While I build, formulate and network, careening towards career path version 53.3.x, (while still try to hold down whatever the current one is and take care of her and the 3year old,) she can still draw on that source of play, fantasy and wonder uncrushed by whatever this thing called reality is. While I struggle with the "too lates" and the "why bothers" and the "woe's me's" inside my Swiss cheese daddy brain, she can just knock out a read or an in person audition with grace, fun and a litheness I wish and hope to tap into more again. It used to be a way of being for me. Somewhere along the way it got milled down like the nourishing bran of a grain of rice, leaving seemingly a vague starchy middle. But... "I'm working' on it...!"

I am proud we've made the choice to support our kids' creativity and be home and present with them in their early years. It does help to hear all the compliments we get about them. Hope it continues. Hope I can continue to work on the "hopeful" side of this optimistic pessimism thing I seem to do. In the words of "Red" in "The Shawshank Redemption," ... "I hope..."
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