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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mixed Bag: Gravity Plan

Some tunes we've known at Gravity Plan world headquarters. Enjoy. Annoy your neighbors. I know we do... ;-)

Mixed Bag: Gravity Plan

Fred Armisen - Guest DJ Project on KCRW

Fred Armisen - Guest DJ Project on KCRW

Fred Armisen

Fred Armisen

WED FEB 8, 2012
Before his career as a comedian, Fred Armisen was a musician. He selects some of the bands that have changed his life for his Guest DJ set, from his appreciation of punk to his love for Prince’s game-changing pop.  Fred has been a part of the Saturday Night Live cast for 10 seasons and is the co-creator and star of IFC's sketch series Portlandia.

For more:

The New Vocal Booth!

Via Instagram and FaceBook

Got a great tip on how to get that real "chesty, vocal chords vibrating right in your face" sort of VO sound.  Thanks to the incredible Philip Barrett for the continuous tips and wisdom of all things audio
  • Hey Philip, I was wondering what eq/compression etc. technique is used these days in VO (I know it's partially the voice itself) to get that really present midrangy, breathy sound? Almost like you are living in the dude's vocal chords and can hear them flap about? Example included:
  • Philip: What you're hearing is primarily the voice - however, mount the mic low & pointing up (more chest cavity) and get in closer still. Compression should be applied on the way in (fast attack, slow release, 5:1) and then hard limiting on the way out. That should do it for ya!
  • Ken: ahh... i have been using a more 3.5:1 ratio and as a post process. i actually don't like that "flapping" sound that much... sounds like you can hear the nicotine buildup on the vocal chords... ;-) plus, my voice and my daughter's are higher in timbre, so we don't have as much "flap." thanks philip!

Great Tutorial on Mixing for Drums

A great repost of a tutorial from the folks at Audio Tuts+

Bus Processing For Acoustic Drums

Bus Processing For Acoustic Drums

Tutorial Details
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Time: 20 minutes
  • Requirements: Any DAW
Bus processing is a great way to immediately lift any group of instruments, giving them more presence, clarity and punch. In this tutorial I’ll show you how a simple chain of processors can help to enhance even the most basic drum mix.
We’ll cover buss compression, corrective and creative equalisation, saturation, transient design and finally limiting. This combination of processors should give you a good idea of where to start when constructing similar channel strips.