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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Deja Vu All Over Again? Roll Out The Propaganda Machine For another Run!

They're at it again... Beating the war drums and turning up the volume on the subtly fascist propaganda machine. They're preparing you for a war with Iran, just like they did for the wonderful little party we now enjoy and pay for with blood and treasure in Iraq. You might wanna take action on this by letting the media and your congress reps that we won't be fooled again. Support the troops for real. Help keep them out of harm's way for yet another boondoggle.

-maltok 5

Friday, August 24, 2007

Keith Olbermann is God

OK, so I've been out of commission working on some other projects outside your little world, but every time I come back, there is another Keith Olbermann nugget of not only wisdom, but prophetic vision and bravery. This from a year ago, but still even more important if you are to survive with a semblance of democracy intact. I should change this blog to the "Keith Olbermann Please Help Us! Fanclub."

Happy, happy... - maltok 5